On July 24th, Oh Gamers, a Web3 gamer organization, announced the completion of a million-dollar strategic investment in Space Nation, a Web3 MMORPG game, which is mainly through game assets and ecological construction. Oh Gamers CEO Roy Ding said, "Oh Gamers provides full support for Space Nation in the upcoming product matrix of GamerID, OhGamers Market and TapDap through token investment and game asset allocation in Space Nation. Previously, Oh Gamers received a total of 3 million from Axia8 ...
7月24日消息,Web3 游戏玩家组织Oh Gamers宣布对Web3 MMORPG游戏Space Nation完成百万美元战略投资,此次投资主要透过游戏资产及生态建设进行。Oh Gamers CEO Roy Ding表示,”Oh Gamers通过对Space Nation进行代币投资和游戏资产配置的方式,在即将上线的GamerID、OhGamers Market和TapDap等产品矩阵中为Space Nation 提供全面支持。此前消息,Oh Gamers获得了来自Axia8 Ventures和多位天使投资人共计300万...